Deep contextualized word representations
Abstract这篇文章是NAACL2018的Outstanding Paper。这篇文章的测试任务包括了情感分析。
Abstract这篇文章是NAACL2018的Outstanding Paper。这篇文章的测试任务包括了情感分析。
IntroductionIn this paper thye propose two novel and general approaches for generating sense-specific word embeddings that are grounded in an ontology. 但是通用的词向量只为一个词分配一个词向量,无法解决解决一词多义的问题。 虽然Yu and Dre
Introduction这篇文章提出了一个叫做AutoExtand的方法,来运用其他的信息来增强word embedding的性能。用于学习用来表示synsets和lexemes。用于一些公开的知识库上,比如WordNet, Wikipedia和Freebase。 synset是指一个词语集合,这里面的词可以在一定的条件下相互替换。lexeme会将一个特定的拼写和发音和一个特定的意思匹配在一起。也
A dependency measure based on Jensen-ShannonThey define a dependency measure between two random variables, which is based on the Jensen-Shannon divergence. The Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence of a d
MethologyHowNetHowNet annotates precise senses to each word, and for each sense, HowNet annotates the significance of parts and attributes represented by sememes.
AbstractThey introduce an extension to the bag-of-words model for learning words represen- tations that take into account both syntactic and semantic properties within language. IntroductionFor BOW an
AbstractContext representations are a key element in distributional models of word meaning. A recently proposed approach suggests to represent a context of a target word by a substitute vector. In thi
IntroductionMost existing work on multi-task learning attempts to divide the features of different tasks into private and shared spaces, merely based on whether parameters of some components should be